Cron jobs

Cron jobs help you define a test case, schedule it and forget about it :)

In order to create a Cron job, we’ve reused the Tests logic, meaning that this page is pretty much similar to the Tests one.

However, we’re going to publish the same information twice, just to be sure everyone can follow it.

We’ve created a JSON Editor that has full semantic and syntax check so that it’s as easy as possible to define a test case.

You have the possibility of:

  • saving your work locally to a JSON file for later use

  • loading your work from a JSON file

  • copying a test case that on your colleague’s made and reuse it’s logic


Member role vs API call

List crons

Create cron

Set cron status

Get cron details

Remove cron































Cron properties

  1. run_time:

    • Property type: MANDATORY

    • Value type: Integer

    • Explanation: How long should the test run for in seconds

    • Restrictions: Minimum is 60 (seconds) and Maximum is 3600 (seconds), depending on your subscription type

  2. num_clients:

    • Property type: MANDATORY

    • Value type: Integer

    • Explanation: How many virtual users to simulate on each thread (container) per second

    • Restrictions: Minimum is 1 and Maximum is 25

  3. threads_per_region:

    • Property type: MANDATORY

    • Value type: Integer

    • Explanation: The number of containers to spawn in paralel in each region

    • Restrictions: Minimum is 1 and Maximum is 200, depending on your subscription type

  4. test_region:

    • Property type: MANDATORY

    • Value type: Array of Strings

    • Explanation: Array of one or more regions to run the test in

    • Restrictions: Values must include one or more of the following

["ap-northeast-1", "ap-northeast-2", "ap-southeast-1", "ap-southeast-2", "eu-central-1", "eu-west-1", "eu-west-2", "eu-west-3", "us-east-1", "us-east-2", "us-west-1", "us-west-2", "ca-central-1", "ap-south-1", "sa-east-1"]
These values emulate the following regions:
ap-northeast-1 = Tokyo
ap-northeast-2 = Seoul
ap-southeast-1 = Singapore
ap-southeast-2 = Sydney
eu-central-1 = Frankfurt
eu-west-1 = Ireland
eu-west-2 = London
eu-west-3 = Paris
us-east-1 = North Virginia
us-east-2 = Ohio
us-west-1 = North California
us-west-2 = Oregon
ca-central-1 = Canada (Central)
ap-south-1 = Mumbai
sa-east-1 = Sao Paulo
  1. workflow:

    • Property type: MANDATORY

    • Value type: Array of Objects

    • Explanation: Array of object-based steps to execute sequentially

    • Object properties:

      5.1. path:

      • Property type: MANDATORY

      • Value type: String

      • Explanation: Path to test against

      • Restrictions: Must start with a “/”

      5.2. method:

      • Property type: MANDATORY

      • Value type: String

      • Explanation: Method to test against

      • Restrictions: Must be one of [“GET”, “POST”, “PATCH”, “HEAD”, “PUT”, “DELETE”, “OPTIONS”]

      5.3. data:

      • Property type: OPTIONAL (default is a blank string)

      • Value type: String

      • Explanation: Data to include as parameters in the body of the request (aka payload)

      5.4. headers:

      • Property type: OPTIONAL (default is a blank object)

      • Value type: Key-Value object

      • Explanation: Any key-value pair to include as headers in the request

      5.5. extract_cookies:

      • Property type: OPTIONAL (default has value “no”)

      • Value type: String

      • Explanation: This triggers our platform to extract the cookies which are present in the response for that particular step, and then push them forward throughout your future workflow steps. This is useful usually to PHP based platform such as Laravel/Magento/Wordpress (eg after doing the /login with POST)

      5.6. extract:

      • Property type: OPTIONAL (default is a blank object)

      • Value type: List of key-value objects

      • Explanation: A list of values to extract from either BODY or HEADERS to reuse in future steps of workflow

      5.6.1. parameter_name:
      • Property type: REQUIRED

      • Value type: String

      • Explanation: The name under which to store this value

      5.6.2. location:
      • Property type: REQUIRED

      • Value type: String

      • Explanation: The location from which to fetch this value (can be either “body” or “headers”)

      5.6.3. key:
      • Property type: OPTIONAL

      • Value type: String

      • Explanation: If this property is specified, the platform will check for that specific “KEY” in either the body (if it’s a JSON) or the headers, depending on the value set up for “location”

      • Note: You can either specify “key”, “element_with_regex” or “json_path_expression”, but not more than one!

      5.6.4. element_with_regex:
      • Property type: OPTIONAL

      • Value type: String

      • Explanation: If this property is specified, the platform will check for that specific “KEY” in either the body (if it’s a JSON) or the headers, depending on the value set up for “location”

      • Note: You can either specify “key”, “element_with_regex” or “json_path_expression”, but not more than one!

      5.6.5. json_path_expression:
      • Property type: OPTIONAL

      • Value type: String

      • Explanation: If this property is specified, the platform will check for that specific “JSON PATH EXPRESSION” in ONLY THE BODY (which should be a JSON) and extract a random match for that expression

      • Note: You can either specify “key”, “element_with_regex” or “json_path_expression”, but not more than one!

      5.6.6. default_value:
      • Property type: OPTIONAL

      • Value type: String

      • Explanation: Default value in case key/expression does not return anything or errors out. Supports PLAIN TEXT as well as VAULT config

      • Note: If not default_value is specified, and your extract operation does not return anything (or errors out), then a failure will be recorded in your test results!

  2. Extra parameters required only when creating Cron jobs via API calls:

    6.1. schedule_type:

    • Property type: MANDATORY

    • Value type: String

    • Explanation: The schedule type to run the cron as

    • Restrictions: Can be either “DAILY”, “WEEKLY”, or “MONTHLY”

    6.2. schedule_weekday:

    • Property type: OPTIONAL (required only if “schedule_type” is “WEEKLY”)

    • Value type: String

    • Explanation: The day of the week to launch the cron

    • Restrictions: Can be one of [“MON”, “TUE”, “WED”, “THU”, “FRI”, “SAT”, “SUN”]

    6.3. schedule_day_of_month:

    • Property type: OPTIONAL (required only if “schedule_type” is “MONTHLY”)

    • Value type: Integer

    • Explanation: The day of the month to launch the cron

    • Restrictions: Can be one any number between 1 and 31

    6.4. schedule_hour:

    • Property type: MANDATORY

    • Value type: Integer

    • Explanation: The hour to start the cron at (part of HH:MM logic)

    • Restrictions: Can be one any number between 0 and 24

    6.5. schedule_minute:

    • Property type: MANDATORY

    • Value type: Integer

    • Explanation: The minute to start the cron at (part of HH:MM logic)

    • Restrictions: Can be one any number between 0 and 60

List crons


In order to view the crons on our platform, all you have to do is browse to the Dashboard page.

API call

The API call is:

curl -s \
    -d '{"team_id":"my-team"}' \
    -H "X-Api-Key: my_api_key" \
    -X POST \ | jq . -r

  "Crons": [
        "cron_id": "some_cron_id",
        "cron_enabled": "true",
        "threads_per_region": 1,
        "created_date": "2020-03-26T17:46:24Z",
        "run_time": "30s",
        "member_email": "[email protected]",
        "test_region": "us-east-1",
        "cron_expression": "cron(4 4 ? * THU *)"
        "cron_id": "some_cron_id_2",
        "cron_enabled": "false",
        "threads_per_region": 1,
        "created_date": "2020-03-26T17:46:24Z",
        "run_time": "30s",
        "member_email": "[email protected]",
        "test_region": "us-east-1",
        "cron_expression": "cron(5 6 * * ? 27)"

You can also filter based on test_id to generate the summary for only that specific test_id:

curl -s \
    -d '{"team_id":"my-team", "cron_id": "some_cron_id"}' \
    -H "X-Api-Key: my_api_key" \
    -X POST \ | jq . -r

  "Crons": [
        "cron_id": "some_cron_id",
        "cron_enabled": "true",
        "threads_per_region": 1,
        "created_date": "2020-03-26T17:46:24Z",
        "run_time": "30s",
        "member_email": "[email protected]",
        "test_region": "us-east-1",
        "cron_expression": "cron(4 4 ? * THU *)"


List all of them:

$ rungutan crons list
    "Crons": [
            "cron_id": "a914cf1c-d7da-40c4-a47a-c42d56fb761d",
            "cron_enabled": "true",
            "threads_per_region": 1,
            "created_date": "2020-05-21T19:05:16Z",
            "run_time": 5,
            "member_email": "[email protected]",
            "test_region": "us-east-1",
            "cron_expression": "cron(34 16 ? * THU *)",
            "cron_name": "CRON - some scheduled job"

Or filter based on cron_id:

$ rungutan crons list --cron_id a914cf1c-d7da-40c4-a47a-c42d56fb761d
    "Crons": [
            "cron_id": "a914cf1c-d7da-40c4-a47a-c42d56fb761d",
            "cron_enabled": "true",
            "threads_per_region": 1,
            "created_date": "2020-05-21T19:05:16Z",
            "run_time": 5,
            "member_email": "[email protected]",
            "test_region": "us-east-1",
            "cron_expression": "cron(34 16 ? * THU *)",
            "cron_name": "CRON - some scheduled job"

Start cron


In order to start a new cron, all you have to do is browse to the Dashboard page and click on the Create cron button.

API call

The API call is:

curl -s \
    -d '{
        "schedule_type": "WEEKLY",
        "schedule_weekday": "TUE",
        "schedule_hour": 0,
        "schedule_minute": 4
        "team_id": "my-team",
        "run_time": 60,
        "num_clients": 10,
        "threads_per_region": 1,
        "test_region": [
        "workflow": [
                "path": "",
                "method": "GET",
                "data": "",
                "headers": {}
        ]}' \
    -H "X-Api-Key: my_api_key" \
    -X POST \ | jq . -r

    "cron_id": "some_cron_id",
    "message": "Successfully created new cron"


Reuse your test file you already have and run it with the missing arguments:

$ rungutan crons add --test_file test_file.json --schedule_hour 22 --schedule_minute 33 --schedule_day_of_month 1 --schedule_type MONTHLY
    "cron_id": "e4df2e1d-efb0-4d7b-8ae8-92bb5c082456",
    "cron_name": "CRON - test from cli",
    "message": "Successfully created new cron"

Set cron status


In order to set the status of a cron, all you have to do is browse to the Dashboard page and click on the Set status button for the respective cron.

API call

The API call is:

curl -s \
    -d '{
        "cron_id": "some_cron_id",
        "team_id": "my-team",
        "cron_enabled": "true"                  // A String that can be either "true" or "false"
        }' \
    -H "X-Api-Key: my_api_key" \
    -X POST \ | jq . -r

    "cron_id": "some_cron_id",
    "message": "Successfully updated cron status",


Disable a cron:

$ rungutan crons set-status --cron_id 35a60d21-2ff3-4baf-bc4d-a233f332adfc --cron_enabled false
    "message": "Successfully updated cron status",
    "cron_id": "35a60d21-2ff3-4baf-bc4d-a233f332adfc"

Or enable it back:

$ rungutan crons set-status --cron_id 35a60d21-2ff3-4baf-bc4d-a233f332adfc --cron_enabled true
    "message": "Successfully updated cron status",
    "cron_id": "35a60d21-2ff3-4baf-bc4d-a233f332adfc"

Get cron details


In order to get the details of a cron, all you have to do is browse to the Dashboard page and click on the Copy test details button for the respective cron.

API call

The API call is:

curl -s \
    -d '{
        "cron_id": "some_cron_id",
        "team_id": "my-team"
        }' \
    -H "X-Api-Key: my_api_key" \
    -X POST \ | jq . -r

    "TestData": {
        "run_time": 60,
        "num_clients": 10,
        "threads_per_region": 1,
        "workflow": [
                "path": "",
                "method": "GET",
                "data": "",
                "headers": {}
        "test_region": [


Command will be added as soon as the CLI will be finished.

Remove cron


Crons can be easily disabled and kept in your team for reference purposes.

Should you wish to remove one though, then all you have to do is browse to the Dashboard page and click on the Remove cron button for the respective cron.

API call

The API call is:

curl -s \
    -d '{
        "cron_id": "some_cron_id",
        "team_id": "my-team"
        }' \
    -H "X-Api-Key: my_api_key" \
    -X POST \ | jq . -r

    "message": "Successfully removed cron",
    "cron_id": "some_cron_id"


Drop it like it’s hot:

$ rungutan crons remove --cron_id 35a60d21-2ff3-4baf-bc4d-a233f332adfc
    "message": "Successfully removed cron",
    "cron_id": "35a60d21-2ff3-4baf-bc4d-a233f332adfc"